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Should you talk to the person your spouse cheated with?

If this is someone you know well and are sure they will want to know the truth, you should probably introduce yourself...

What evidence is needed for a cheating husband?

Proving that adultery took place in your marriage is difficult but possible. Direct (not hearsay) evidence can come in...

How do husbands act when cheating?

If he's in the habit of going out a lot without bringing you with him or letting you know where he's going if you call to ...

What is the trauma of being cheated on?

The person who was deceived (sexually or emotionally) may meet the criteria for PTSD and experience trauma-related...

How can i tell if my husband is still in contact with his ex-lover?

One of the basic ways to tell if your partner still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend is by watching the way he talks...

What are the emotional triggers after being cheated on?

Things that can trigger flashbacks include spending time with your partner who cheated on you, romantic sounds, love...

What should i do if my husband has cheated with a friend?

Real advice on how to recover if my husband cheats on me with my best friend First things first: get away from both of...

What are the social implications of a cheating husband?

It can cause chronic anxiety, post-traumatic stress, depression, and distrust. The consequences of cheating on your...