What should i do if my husband has cheated more than once?

Here are some important steps you can take together that can help repair your relationship: making sure there is remorse, being honest about why it happened, eliminating temptations to recommit to the affair, moving forward with brutal honesty and care, being selective about who tells you, considering working with a licensed therapist. Promises obviously don't work, so behaviors must change when a couple is determined to maintain a monogamous relationship after an affair. Above all, the part he had of the affair is the one that needs to change his behavior. Let's see what works well and what doesn't work well to achieve this goal.

One of the best ways to cope when your spouse is cheating on you is to give yourself time. Either you have been deceived twice by the same person, or you have been deceived by different people. After all the pain and pain, sometimes, you still want to give it a chance and learn how to deal with a cheating husband. Don't base your allegations on rumors or on a random message informing you that your husband is cheating on you.

Kristi Fogel
Kristi Fogel

Wannabe social media evangelist. Incurable twitter buff. Devoted web buff. Award-winning internet evangelist. Unapologetic twitter aficionado. Amateur bacon maven.